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Hmm... not sure if im missing somthing or not. Game works but I cant find any settings and window is quite small. tip make shortcut of the .exe launcher then right click property's on shortcut, open the short cut tab. and on the run option click maximized boom fullscreen now. my f11 wont work either. but this does

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Alt + Enter to Fullscreen

Looks like it's running on a VN engine

I cant seem to download the new version, when I try to install the game it defaults to the old 0.01 version and I have no option to change it..

that doesn't seem possible, the games are in different versions and shouldn't intertwined with each other

you can download the new version and replace the old game file with the new one and it will still work fine

I recommended a clean install and starting a new game if you encounter any problems

as to why you can't download the game, it may be the issues with the site or your internet connection try contacting support if the problems persist :)

got it to work and I gotta say,,, WOW! I played the first version you made months back and this is leaps and bounds ahead! You've made incredible progress already :D Now of course the reason I played in the first place is well... porn, duh XD- But outside of that the environment already looks amazing! And the controls feel really fun and arcade-y! I can't wait to see what you'll do next! If I wasn't broke as all hell I'd support the patreon (And I urge any random people reading this to support in my stead).

Anywho, I'll stop yapping XD

I am very sorry to hear that had happened to you and please take as much time as you need to recover from these difficult times, the people who do these things are disgusting and should rot in jail for these actions. 

Thanks for understanding :)

Игра очень интересная, жду следующих обнов.

The new animations, style and especially poses are wonderful!

Are there only the sewers? I can't even return to the starting home


yes, currently, there is only a sewer level and you can't go back to the apartment for now

the controls are not working for the game if it's in the Note file I have no idea since it will not open

sorry, I forgot to map some control back when testing. I'll fix it right away

try pressing F in the menu and see if it's worked

maybe im just bad with puzzels i don't know the code

1. you count the number of yellow barrels

2. there is a number on the graffiti on the wall

3. count the number of hanging meat near the shop

4. there is a number carved on the electric pole near the shop

hope this help :)

thanks ;)

(2 edits)

As some people know that the game has just released a new version has been released the 0.1.0 on their patreon however I must ask to see if it’s going to come to this platform at a later date like in a week or a month or not is it not being updated on this platform any more?

yes, it will be released on this platform also :) I just need to do some preparation

thanks for the answering :) and please take your time I am not trying to rush nothing I am just really exited for this update for a promising game 😁

Pretty promising, hope this one doesn't get abandoned.


I hope this game receive more updates

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I really can’t wait for an update this game has been on my mind for ages, thanks for making such a good game, oh and any news on a potential update

I've opened the game, but I can't seem to leave this one hallway. Where do I go, what do I do?

what version did you play? 

V.0.0.1 is a prototype and only has one hallway to show some ideas of the game

V.0.0.2 has more things to do but is still a prototype

The alpha version of the game is still in development :)

Oh, it looks like I played the V.0.0.1, I think I'll wait for the newer version to be downloadable on the itch app.

Thank you!


Futa games are the besttt


This game is Awesome!!!. Keep up this amazing project.  ;)

any plans for Android version?

sorry, but no :(


this game would've been great if i could



Very good game! I hope for updates :D


Это очень отличный проект. Автору огромный респект за качество!

when I'm opening V2 i cant click start cuz mouse if freezing in 1 spot can someone help ?

pressing F1 should help but the game is meant to be played only on a keyboard tho. Unity is weird when it comes to handling the mouse cursor

Ty i will try


great job, looking forward to updates

Thank you!


OOOOh yes! more futa games >:3


i dunno if this is a bug but when you press space after getting bred by the bathroom futa the screen goes dark and just stay stuck like that

Thank you for reporting this! I forgot to set the scene to load there lol. I upload the fixed version check it out!


Gonna keep my eye on this one! Can't wait to see where this goes! Love futa on male content.


It's alright. Shows promise but will there be a feminization aspect given the title. Just expected maybe something more out of the nsfw bit. Almost like it should be less one defeat scene and more 'if caught get corrupted overtime' and eventually 'too corrupt to continue'  per save point sort of spiel. Personally hoping that's the direction it goes.

Thanks for the suggestion!


pretty good


pixel style seems very well made, unfortunately for you im not into futa


more like unfortunate for you. I don't think the creator really cares if r6lover likes futa or not.

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